
The EU approved amendments to Article 13 of the Copyright Directive. How to prepare and not to drown in the claims?

On April 17, 2019, the European Parliament adopted amendments to Article 13 of the Copyright Directive. Early in the discussion stage, this bill has caused many public disputes. The adoption of the directive was followed by mass protests in Germany. About 100 thousand protesters took to the streets of German cities. More than 5 million people in Europe have signed a petition for the abolition of the new law.

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InvariMatch: Shazam for movies

Movies can have similar properties to music. For example, you might remember some footage from the movie you saw when you were a child, and want to find it to refresh your memories. Or you just want to find out the title of the movie with your favourite actor.

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Monitoring of the InvariMatch work on servers

As soon as we started providing our video recognition system to customers, it became necessary to monitor its stability. Without seeing the system parameters, it can be difficult to understand what is happening, and we had to make assumptions about the nature of the failure guided only by external signs. This was inconvenient and didn’t allow us to understand the cause of the problem and be able to respond to it fast enough. Therefore, we decided to install a monitoring system.

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Adapting the InvariMatch system to work in a cluster

The InvariMatch system’s original architecture, where all video processing took place on one machine, worked well from the beginning. However, we understood that the system would fail under an increased load and thought about optimizing it. In 2016, one of our customers needed to install InvariMatch on a cluster of several machines. The system worked well at first, but after some time we faced several unexpected problems. We had to improve InvariMatch urgently, and these are the steps we took to achieve that.

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